SkyHaus Residence
2750 Sq Ft
Property Highlights
Amazing Views
The view is spectaclar from deck tub or through the floor.
Quiet Neighbour
If you wish to get away from noise and stay in quiet & safe.
Housing Security
Security officers patrol residence 24/7 and 365 days a year.
Housing Security
Security officers patrol residence 24/7 and 365 days a year.
SkyHaus Amenities
The key features section is your opportunity tell potential tenants about key selling points of your point formats. The property description sections you to go more in depth property.
Swimming Pool Swimming Pool Swimming Pool Swimming Pool

title description

title description

Shopping Mall
3 Minutes
5 Minutes
Brooklyn Underground
4 Minutes
Medical Center
5 Minutes
4 Minutes

A property description is made up of 2 parts: key features and property description. The key features section is your opportunity to tell potential tenants about the key selling points of your property in a bullet point format.

Property dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac ex eu est dapibus condimentum. Etiam vitae tristique nibh, a bibendum felis. Nulla leo libero, lacinia nec nisl sit amet, bibendum porta magna. Praesent eget hendrerit tortor.

Maecenas euismod pretium felis, maximus pulvinar purus vehicula eu. Suspendisse suscipit ipsum eu ex maximus tempor. Vivamus interdum ultrices mi, nec laoreet magna tempus sit amet. Duis vel luctus nulla. Integer in ultricies ex.
Bedroom 1 ____________55 Sq Ft
Bedroom 2 ____________33 Sq Ft
Kitchen ______________54 Sq Ft
LivingRoom ___________66 Sq Ft
Bathroom _____________40 Sq Ft
See SkyHaus Image Gallery

Default description1





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